UK Man Sues Apple for Causing His Divorce

Tech companies are being sued for various misconduct in the modern era, including addiction among teens, spreading disinformation, and causing divorces. A UK man is now suing the tech giant Apple, claiming that it failed to properly delete texts that ultimately led to his divorce. He is now seeking over $6 million in damages. Does…


UK Law Firm Accidentally Divorces the Wrong Couple

Although divorce lawyers are often highly professional, mistakes are somewhat inevitable. Every divorce lawyer is human, and every human being is capable of making serious errors. A divorce lawyer might accidentally make all kinds of mistakes, but most of these errors only cause slight inconveniences. What happens when a law firm makes a more costly mistake? What if an error…


Can a Divorce Reveal Financial Crimes?

One of the many reasons spouses tend to avoid litigated divorces is the fact that these trials go on public record. All kinds of things may be revealed by litigation, including allegations of marital misconduct, child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, and so on. But these trials may also reveal alleged instances of financial misconduct,…
