In this our final segment on how you can more effectively use your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners to attract the high-asset clients you seek, it’s time to bring everything together. That means focus, focus, focus and website content, content, content.
The whole purpose of your online attorney marketing is to “speak” to the potential high net worth clients you know are “out there” and convince them that you, rather than your competition, are the attorney they need – and want – to handle their divorce. In other words, your website needs to convert them from potential to actual clients.
Continual Fresh Content
Your website is not a static thing written in stone once you have it up and running. Even when everything is just the way you want it, there is always room for improvements and you should frequently make them. For instance, your digital marketing agency has access to the analytic tools to track not only how many visitors access your site, but also where they come from, where they go on your site, and what they do once they get there. This is valuable information that you can use to your advantage. The analysis goes something like this:
- Which of your website pages receive the most traffic?
- What messages are currently on those pages?
- Do they have selling points on them that give a site visitor a reason to call or otherwise contact you instead of your competition?
- Do they tell your potential clients what they want to know?
- Do they showcase your Certified Financial Litigator and other specialty credentials that assure your site visitors that you are the expert who can best handle their case?
- Do they have calls to actions (CTAs)?
By focusing on each individual page in turn in terms of its visual appeal, functionality, messaging, etc., you undoubtedly can think of even better ways to get your intended points across.
Pictures and Other Graphics
Many websites tend to be text heavy, but yours should not be one of them. Make sure that each page contains several pictures or other graphics that get their respective messages across quickly and visually. One great idea is to put short text overlays on your pictures and photos that let your site visitors know why each one is on that particular page. Also make sure that your top banner is consistent from page to page so as to send the subliminal message that your law firm offers a multiplicity of services all under one roof.
Text, of course, is vital, but it too should be visual in nature. Make sure you have sufficient white space between lines, and break up what could become large text blocks with bolded headings and/or indented bulleted or numbered lists. While this may sound nit-picky, all these little tricks of the trade make your text easier for your site visitors to read.
In addition, keep your web pages reasonably short. Site visitors find pages that scroll downward “forever” to be at best intimidating and at worst not worth their effort to pursue. Also remember that statistics bear out the fact that the average adult attention span continues to decrease in this digital age. What you should seek to create is easy-to-read “snackable” content. Leave the War and Peace details to your face-to-face meetings with your clients.
We hope you have found this series on attorney marketing to be helpful and insightful. For more information on how gaining your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners gives you the financial knowledge and skills you need to attract additional high-asset clients, plus other benefits of AACFL membership, please visit this page of our website.